Saturday, August 26, 2006


okay, not satisfied on these issue, so have to talk about it.. Why do we have to learn something we wouldnt need it in future? Learn or study, whtever.. WHY?

a freaking philosopher said :
" mereka yang melupai sejarah
pasti akan mengulanginya."
( ala.. bodoh!
see, we're eating durin HISTORY!

Like as if next time if we gonna be like some rakyat jahiliah we gonna think back about history first then only we "berjahil" or not.. Like as if when we gonna have war, running for our lives then still wanna think about history..
I think it's super BODOH.. Sorry to those who loves history.. But im speaking facts here.

Another subject, moral.. sigh.. Im reading all those difinitions for the sake of exams and my grades. NOthing else! How to be bermoral in life, that depends how the world and friends influence us lah. Bad grades for moral = tidak bermoral?? Im not sure bout tht..

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