Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am completely disgusted by the light sentence General Raymond Germanas got of with after being caught with downloading 1000's of child pornography images.

This 69 year old repulsive old man holds the highest rank in the French army and also served as a chief military advisor to two defence ministers before.

You'd think that this would be more of a reason for him to get a heavy sentence. A supposedly honoured man with years served in the army, holding respectable ranks and who should be upholding the law, harmony and decency of society doing something as deplorable as watching child pornography.

Instead all he gets is a 10-month suspended jail sentence and being stripped of his rank and right to wear his uniform. *Wtf*

The judge even said of his 3000+ images confiscated from his own computer obtained from websites with disturbing titles like 'Lolita' and 'Babylove' were some of the most hardcore ones ever seen by the court. It involved children as young as 6 BLOODY MONTHS in "unspeakable acts".

The SOB claims he 'deeply regretted' his behaviour and only turned to child pornography during a difficult time in his life. Which was when he was suffering from brain tumour, going on to claim his tumour might have affected his sense of self control.

This is his defence? No seriously, this is really his damn defence???? I'm suprised the judge didnt throw her gravel at his ugly screwed up face.

If so, next time we all can use headaches and fever and migraines as justification for our sexual attraction, for example, towards animals (beastiality) or corpses (necrophilia). Great.


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