Tuesday, January 05, 2010

see through

Back in 2008, I asked, where is permanence.
Today I ask the same question again. Everyday we make different choices, leading to different directions and we end up being in some places else we never thought we'd ever be in.
We've all had moments where we take a step back just to ponder and reflect how far we've come, or rather just how different things are.

Do you regret them? Do you ever wish to yourself that if only things and everyone else stayed the same when they were all just good enough, you'd never have to bear more hardships and heartaches. If only we were all happy enough with what we had, never wanting more, never looking for more, we'd never take another step forward from where we were previously standing.

Today, I witness the burial of a dear 9 year-old loyal and loving dog, 3 feet under. Together with weeping eyes and grieving faces, we all think, if only there was permanence.

People come and go, in and out of your life. We all do, as we wish. But really, everything in between is just kept silent because we all know that really, only less than a handful stays with you.

They say it takes losing something to truly appreciate it. Why can't we all play a role of permanence so we'll never have to lose to learn.

Why mold us that way.

Always too many questions to everything and too few answers to anything at all.

5 days into the new year now; cheers to more excitement, new challenges and less permanence :)

Because I still believe, that in spite of everything good and bad, change is for the better.

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