Saturday, March 07, 2009


Would you allow your upbringing to determine who you become, or will you take that extra mile to figure that out on your own?


ps: this isnt emo, it isn't! HELLO, got difference one k. nyaha.

xx, sharon.


-(jon jon)- said...

emo post! hahaaahah...

okay okay, i'll used what i've been taught especially the good ones but at the same time find myself out and try moulding myself to be a great person..seeking God for help..

but seriously,follow God's moral will and you'll be a better person..=)

Swipe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Swipe said...

it was supposed to appear!

well its kinda nice to get feedback from readers, but u guys : buggers.


Anonymous said...

Sigh. Of all the times to be reading such posts. I kinda regret not taking full psych cuz accounting is riding up my ass! SAVE ME.