Saturday, March 22, 2008

I know i've not been blogging here for a while and i know it was my turn and it is now my turn and forever to be my turn..

There's nothing much to blog about except how i suffer at home and the curfews i have to go through nowadays! It has been one WHOLE year of freedom and when mom walks in the house, i can say goodbye to FREEDOM and say hi to BOREDOM. But somehow i kinda enjoy all these. Sleeping really late, waking up really late. Straight away throw myself in front of the computer, watch tv then sleep. I know what you people gonna say lar, lifeless right? *chuckles* "You aint that happening if you ask me!".

By the way, this NO AIR song is so cool. But the video clip makes me laugh till i think i need more air to breathe! Ill be starting college most prob on April 7th. So that day will determine my whole college life, or not? We'll see.


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