Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I'm quite active in blogging this week, don't know why. Just feel like it. haha. Just got back from a jog with Mae Si and Chia Jean and I'm gonna try maintaining this routine everyday! Besides, this keeps our friendship going okay. LOL. Ping and Jay, COME JOIN LA.

I have to say that college is not really a drag anymore. I'm starting to actually look forward to go to college (not everyday though) and get to meet up with friends whom I feel comfortable chatting and fooling around with. Haha. Literary circle meetings for English every Monday and Wednesday is also getting fun! It's nice exchanging opinions about the novel and sometimes debating with each other about the incidents :D I might start joining the frisbee club every Tuesday together with Shal. Hopefully that'll be fun.

Random: I feel like piercing my nose. Should I? opinions! and I miss trips with my cousins! and the weather now reminds me bout Camerons =((

Us, at the usual Cameron Highlands Kuey Teow stall, :D

signing off, sharon.

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